Friday, August 31, 2012


"Wither Thou Goest, I will Go With You"
Government promises made, are not promises kept.  The reality of  a widow's social security pension is the latest in a string of broken promises as reported in the Aug 24, 2012 edition of MarketWatch.  And it's a clear-cut reason why virtuous women do not put their trust in Government. 
We trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob because HE is the one Who cares for the widows and the orphans. 
As women of faith, we are to be like Ruth who, knowing not her future in a strange land, she trusted in the God of her husband's family.  Many women are left in great financial straits when they become widowed.  Today's economic culture is crumbling for women of all ages.  But the promise of the Kinsman Redeemer is a promise that will never be broken.  He says "Even if your father and mother forsake you, I will take you up."   ~ Psalm 27:10
When I became a widow unexpectedly, the Lord directed my path to follow the role model of the Proverbs 31 woman with a home-based business.  He continues to prosper me in all things--health, home and financial peace.  Consider this course for yourself, and I will teach you what He has taught me. Click to learn more:
"Trust in the Lord with your whole heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path." ~ Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Praise God for this post, I was not widowed, but left to take care of my myself and two children on a very limited income. I followed God's Word and went from homeless to prosperous in all things without relying on the government as I was advised to do by many... God gives us wisdom to prosper...Thank you so much Janet!

    1. Inspiring, Penny... you and your children are counted in the "widows and orphans" whenever abandonment is the outcome. That includes emotional abandonment. Congratulations, Virtuous Woman!
