The headline news has become nauseatingly repetitive, depressing and scandalous at best. And I've observed an ever-growing phenomenon in the political theater that lends credence to the warning God put forth that women are to be spiritually submitted to men. But unfortunately, the evils of political feminism have produced fewer godly men in leadership that deserve our godly submission. This goes double for out-of-order Female Pastors! Too many men in leadership today are void of any moral compass or the guts to stand up and do the right thing! But what precipitated this demise? What came first--the female chicken or her egg?
The feminist movement has cycled all the way from the Garden of Eden right to the top of more Government Leadership positions than ever before! And the fruit of this rebellion is in large part responsible for the sorry state of affairs our country faces today. Consider the scandals, the corruption, the lies upon lies we are having to endure from a nation once dedicated to virtuous practices and the Rule of Law, but is now reduced to Politically Correct Feminism:
One of the leading Presidential Candidates, a female, is ensconced in a sea of corruption and lies which many say borders on treason. This female candidate's closest aides, also both female, are caught up in the scandalous whirlwind of alleged corruption and intrigue. During the Benghazi incident, in which four Americans were murdered--including Ambassador Stevens--this same female candidate was then Secretary of State and was by virtue of her position, theoretically responsible for the tragic episode. In an attempt to cover up the scandal, another female was dispatched to convey a fabrication--a fake video as the cause of this uprising. All of this was proven to be a lie.
The female Attorney General of the United States has reportedly ignored ongoing corruption and suspicious behavior of this same female presidential candidate--in spite of overwhelming evidence to suggest continuing nefarious activity. She then displayed extremely poor judgment in participating in clandestine meetings with a campaign insider, creating a serious conflict of interest in this alleged activity.
Baltimore City Attorney, a female, created a national brouhaha when she rushed to judgment against six city police officers, rather than following the Rule of Law. This reckless behavior cost the taxpayers untold millions of dollars; and as a result, all charges were thrown out of court and this woman faces possible disbarment. In conjunction with this incident, the female Mayor of Baltimore is caught in the investigation of the Police Dept scandal which uncovered outrageous activities and to which the Police Chief answers to this female.
The International President of the SEIU--the Government Employees Union is a female who won re-election and must be held responsible for the corruption within the organization. The buck stops with its leaders! "Numerous SEIU local officers have been convicted of or pled guilty to crimes conducted in office, including stealing their mostly lower-wage employees’ dues money. Others have allegedly stolen or misused money but did not face charges."
FOX News has employed so many female news staff members, each with strong political opinions that it created a daily program called "Outnumbered." This venue consists of four of the various Fox females (they rotate) debating one lone male who is seated in the middle of all that estrogen and who regularly is verbally bullied and shut down by the "Women." Apparently, this gets "ratings." But it's merely a reflection of a culture which has embraced the rule of women over the men--men that feminism has successful emasculated over the past 4 decades!
On a global scale, there are at least 24 World Leaders who are female! The leader of Germany has allowed terrorists into her country as well as tens of thousands of unvetted refugees from known terrorist countries. While 1200 German women were raped on the street by illegal immigrants, this female continued to keep her borders open.
"In the Beginning," God set the order for the family, for the society and for the Church because Eve--and all of her female children--were and are deceived! That's the spiritual line drawn in the sand. Women are, by their nature, driven to rule over men; AND by their nature, they are easily "deceived," and no amount of political correctness will change it! (Genesis 3:16)
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